Friday, 1 June 2012

Journeys of a beginner foodie

Opal is just shy of 6 months old, so as many millions of mothers before me have done, I am introducing Opal to solid food. It has been in my mind for a while, thinking about when to start, what to introduce first, baby led weaning or pureed....So many choices for a wanna-be well informed granola mom....Originally I was planning on doing the baby led weaning approach which involves giving your baby pretty much whatever you are eating your self, as well as staying away from feeding your baby by spoon. You give them soft but holdable pieces that they can discover on their own. Allowing your baby to feed them selves at a young age gives you and them more Independence, as well as hopefully not having an extended attachment to mushy foods. But then I remembered, I have a incredible phobia of chocking....See, when I was a little lass, about 2 years old, I chocked on  a penny and nearly died. I have known for many years, this event has stayed with me on a cellular level. I know as I mother, I am going to have to work towards healing and letting go of this fear. But to ease myself into the world of chocking hazards, I think I will start with purees!
Last night we gave Opal some brown rice cereal mixed with breast milk. She seemed interested but I am not sure how much she actually ate. She did have a fun time playing with the spoon, which is pretty distracting as it is a bright pick, with a cow head on the top.

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